Nå er det guttas tur – Bartekampen 2024!

Rig Partner er med som sponsor av Bartekampen 2024. I år arrangeres Bartekampen for fjerde år på rad, denne gangen med ny profil og en målrettet innsamlingsaksjon for prostatakreft. Prostatakreftforeningen står bak kampanjen, som har som mål å øke kunnskap og oppmerksomhet om prostatakreft samt samle inn penger til tidlig oppdagelse av prostatakreft. Bartekampen kombinerer […]

Stena Spey acquired from Stena Drilling

Rig Partner Decom Ltd. has acquired the MODU Stena Spey from Stena Drilling for recycling in Turkey. Purchase is a back-to-back contract with Rota Shipping that will complete the recycling. Stena Spey has been laid-up in Invergordon and was acquired in July 24. The plan is to start work on the removal of hazardous waste […]

Rig intake, rig inspections and marine operations

Rig Partner AS – There is a lot of activity within rig intake and rig inspections, and Rig Partner is among others involved in the rig intakes of COSL Prospector and COSL Pioneer for Vår Energi. Rig Partner is also starting these days with the rig intake of Deepsea Yantai for ConocoPhillips. Within marine operations, […]

Dolphin Leader heading for recycling in Turkey

Rig Partner Decom Ltd. – Rota Shipping has acquired the drilling unit Dolphin Leader (former Transocean Leader) with Rig Partner Decom Ltd. as Manager, responsible for the export process from UK to Turkey.

High yard activity within SPS projects and rig upgrades

There has been high yard activity within SPS and rig upgrades. So far this year, we have been involved for CCB in the SPS for COSL Innovator and COSL Prospector, as well as the upgrade project for Deepsea Atlantic. For Semco, we have been involved in the rig projects on Floatel Triumph and Noble Resilient […]